My Personal Blog July 4, 2023

Let’s Give Turtles A Brake!

Growing up in Tuckerton, I formed a special bond with terrapins (turtles) and learned to assist them when crossing streets during late spring and early summers. With our community becoming more populated, preserving our indigenous wildlife has become increasingly important. To raise awareness, “Turtle X-Ing” signs and educational programs have been introduced.





These turtles can live up to 40 or 50 years, but they start laying eggs only between 6-10 years of age. They return to the same spot each year to lay their eggs, making nest protection and educating new residents about their presence challenging.





Volunteering at the Long Beach Island Field Station’s Project Terrapin, I helped construct terrapin nesting covers provided for free to protect turtle eggs on properties.





I also had the joy of releasing baby and teenage turtles raised by the hatchery into the wild.





Additionally, efforts are underway to create turtle gardens for diamondback turtles, preventing them from crossing Long Beach Boulevard. The successful turtle garden setup by the LBI Foundation for the Arts and Sciences has inspired Project Terrapin and the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey to expand this initiative.


For more information, check out the local newspaper, The Sandpaper (Click Here). And together, let’s give turtles a Brake and safeguard their habitat!





For more information visit Project Terrapin (Click Here).